Tuesday, 21 February 2012

The Memory of Matt

On the 9th-2-2012 Matt sadly passed away... I had the honour of Photographing his Memorial last weekend.

ABC News:
 "A 23-year-old mechanic has been killed on a Northern Territory cattle station overnight.
The workplace accident occurred on Helen Springs Station, 100 kilometres north of Tennant Creek.
It's believed workers were moving steel with a bobcat when the incident happened.
S Kidman & Co CEO Greg Campbell is flying to the station today.
He says the accident is a tragedy for the man's family and work colleagues.
NT WorkSafe staff are also expected to attend the station today. "

(c) Sally Towne

(c) Sally Towne

(c) Sally Towne
 * Remember: Live life to the fullest! <3
** All Images (c) A Little Piece of Heart Photography, all other images (c) Sally Towne

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Noses and Eyes?

I have come to the possible conclusion that "Noses and Eyes" on animals are my favourite subject! I can't go taking photo's without having at least 5 nose of eye photo's... makes me sound strange I know but when you take a photo of the animals Nose or Eyes it is like it freezes what you are doing in time, not only this but the amount of detail that you get in each image is amazing!!

Suppose you could say I Love It!!! lolz

On another Note, I compleatly forgot about the card giveaway that I had held earlier in the Month! so I went searching for the post and Susen Thompson and Harry May both get 2 free cards with their next order :) Which should be a lot of fun, Susen might also get a 3rd free one for her birthday, if shes lucky! :D

I can't belive, that school has been going for 2 weeks already!!!! I have been zooming through my school work or at least I think I have been! And in 2 weeks I will be going to Residential the first school event for the year. ( have been trying to organize transportation to and from the camp)

As for the Photography side of things, I have successfully learn't some new things like how to clone out things that you don't want in the image, what prices should be, how to use this program and how to use that program... Which can be quiet TRICKY but I have had help from some other Photographers on Facebook who have helped me to continue to improve, and I hope to begin doing some more serious stuff eventually. That is when I can get the CD's that I put the photo's on to work properly and not council out 30 of the originals!!!!! DUMB CD's but I hope I can fix this little  Big issue.

Anyways, I am off to start the last day of school for week two!! I leave you with some of my recent Nose and Eye Photo's!

You know the drill, All Photos (c) Sandy Bauer Photography, A Little Piece of Heart Cards!

You may show friends this blog, but please do not save my photo's and/or claim as your own, Thanks!

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Rainbow Bee Eaters

Yesterday when we went swimming in the pool, it was that hot that there was so many birds hanging in the shade around the pool. But not just any type of bird they where Rainbow Bee Eaters which you only usually see if it is going to rain! There wasn't just 1 or 2 there where at least 200!

I kept on saying to mum, I should take photo's of them in a minute and then I thought "I will take photo's of them tommorow" then the thought came to my head the possibly they would not be there tommorow if it was cooler. So I had to take Photo's of them, that is why this entery is called "Rainbow Bee Eaters" because I am going to post the photo's at the end of this entry :)

School has started again, and I am finding Year 9 quiet a challenge but I am trying really really hard to be postive about it and not worry about which subjects which, when it is ment to be due or who the teacher is and weather "Them and I" get a long!!!!

Anyways, don't have a lot of time on the computer today, until I get my computer set up over at the school room, I may write a further post from there I am unsure, as I have to resize all them images to put them up otherwise it just takes to long!

Thursday, 2 February 2012

A New Beginning?

Hi All, and welcome to my new blog! 
Here I will try to keep you up to date with everything I do, well maybe not everything but a fair bit of stuff!
I thank all of you who do read this as I know time is Valuable! 

The Following Images are of Brunchilly Station's latest buckout!
All Images are (c) SandyBauerPhotography Please do not Downlaod, Copy, Sell, Edit or Crop out my watermark