Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Rainbow Bee Eaters

Yesterday when we went swimming in the pool, it was that hot that there was so many birds hanging in the shade around the pool. But not just any type of bird they where Rainbow Bee Eaters which you only usually see if it is going to rain! There wasn't just 1 or 2 there where at least 200!

I kept on saying to mum, I should take photo's of them in a minute and then I thought "I will take photo's of them tommorow" then the thought came to my head the possibly they would not be there tommorow if it was cooler. So I had to take Photo's of them, that is why this entery is called "Rainbow Bee Eaters" because I am going to post the photo's at the end of this entry :)

School has started again, and I am finding Year 9 quiet a challenge but I am trying really really hard to be postive about it and not worry about which subjects which, when it is ment to be due or who the teacher is and weather "Them and I" get a long!!!!

Anyways, don't have a lot of time on the computer today, until I get my computer set up over at the school room, I may write a further post from there I am unsure, as I have to resize all them images to put them up otherwise it just takes to long!

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